When I was a young lass, my grandmother used to wear spectator pumps. I thought that they were quite the lovely "classics", but found them a bit too serious and stuffy for my own personal tate. I made this "happy-fied" pair of spectator slippers that are just the opposite of stuffy and serious. They don't have high heels, they're soft, and they are gloriously vibrant with hot pink poppies!!!!!! I used the poppy toes pattern to make them, but instead of using just one color of yarn, I crocheted the first four rounds in onyx, and the rest of the slipper in linen.
Love love love really love them!!!!
But i love everything you make
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I am writing to let you know a person on Facebook has stolen your photo (and other people's) to use on her Facebook page. She then uses your photo to sell her work. If you feel this is a violation of your copyright (which it is), please complain to Facebook: www.facebook.com/help/contact/?id=208282075858952 Thanks for your help.
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November 15, 2012 11:41 PM
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